you love me best
when I am nothing
but the reflection of a cobalt sky
a mirror to mundane desire
a lack, a space
a longing gaze
lifted on a summer haze
in shades
of lapis lazuli
but today
I am in murderous mood
I thrash my limbs along the shore
and hurl my salt saliva on the sand
and further still — across the promenade
great globs of spit that hit
the foolish people passing by
the stupid little men that try
to erect their little red flags
or cling defiant
to a wrought-iron bench
I drench
them all
in brine
you love me best
when I all but disappear
fade into the milk horizon
white on white, light on light
a sliver of silver — so fine
your puny human eyes
can barely see it
you love me best
when I hide my power
under pewter
my curves caressed
by moonlight
but today
I rattle my bladderwrack arms
in warning
in rage, enraged
and yet you deign to give my temper names:
Elliot Johanna Nelly Owain
to track my moves with apps
and shipping forecasts
When will you learn?
I have no name that you are capable of uttering
you stuttering, stumbling little man
I am bigger
and deeper
than you
can even
to understand