Oceano mareyou love me best when I am nothing but the reflection of a cobalt sky a mirror to mundane desire a lack a space a longing gaze lifted on…Mar 8, 2023Mar 8, 2023
Losing peopleA few weeks ago, one of the people I love most lost one of the people she loves most. It all happened so quickly, so brutally. One day…Jul 30, 2021Jul 30, 2021
The night before BrexitI can’t believe four and a half years has passed since the Referendum. I still catch myself thinking there must be some mistake, it can’t…Dec 31, 20201Dec 31, 20201
Waking up to PrejudiceIt occurred to me as I went for my morning walk today that we’re all racist, we’re all prejudiced and, what is more, we always will be. If…Jun 8, 20201Jun 8, 20201
I’ve always struggled with mood swings but since Covid-19 bulldozed into all of our lives, they…I remember (as we all must) the very first I heard of the virus. I was in New Zealand with my lovely in-laws who were reading out the news…Apr 28, 2020Apr 28, 2020